Tara wrote in the LiveChat box on our US website:
“My world has been turned upside down. I was challenged to read the New Testament Scriptures and now I believe that Jesus is Messiah. I’m a very active member in the Jewish community. I still identify as Jewish; I cannot be a Christian. I do not know how to be anything but what I am. What do I do?”
Jennifer Lentz, from our LiveChat, team established a friendly rapport with Tara and agreed that she was facing some very specific challenges. She offered to put Tara in contact with another of our staff who could support Tara as she explores what it means to be Jewish and believe in Jesus.
Tara responded, “That would be helpful. I am a teacher in the Jewish community. I don’t want to leave my community. I feel guilty for believing because I feel like I’m committing idolatry. But I can’t help but see the connections.
My family and my friends are still searching for what I have found. But I feel like Avraham Avinu (our father Abraham) when HaShem (God) said to him “Lech Lechah” (get out of your country): I am alone. No one understands this awesome truth that’s been right in front of us the whole time and it’s lonely and frustrating and mind boggling all at the same time.”
Rob Wertheim, one of our veteran missionaries, reached out to Tara and they agreed to meet via Zoom. They studied John 1:35 and before long, Tara was ready to ask Jesus into her heart, acknowledging her sins and asking Him to forgive her.
Thank you for enabling us to help Tara and so many others like her. Please pray for her to grow in faith regardless of the challenges she faces.
* name is changed to protect privacy.